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From the Comics Bin/Raves and Reviews

Comic Picks for week ending 17 Jul 1999






Feature Story: A Time of Crow


Essential Reading


"Eric screams and screams and pounds his head against the wall until phantom fire trucks race across his vision. All he wants is pain. Pain and Hate. Yes, Hate. But never fear...
Fear is for the enemy.sadness.gif (39635 bytes)

Fear and bullets."

...J. O'barr, CROW BOOK 2:FEAR


This issue we are very proud to be celebrating the 10 year Anniversary of THE CROW. Please take a look at our feature article, A Time of Crow. This issue we also review the latest CROW comic, as well as a few small independents. Now without further ado, this issues reviews:

crow.jpg (87828 bytes)THE CROW #5-Received my first issue of the ongoing CROW comic from Todd Mcfarlane Productions. I had my doubts about this latest comic, being a fan of the original, fears really, I had fears that everything that had to be said, was said. This issue laid those fears to rest. The words of Jon J. Muth, and vivid art and colors of Paul Lee and Mark Nicholas laid those fears to rest.

This issue was everything I have come to associate with what is best in THE CROW, contemplative rage, a calm storm, languish motion. It was anguish in a sigh, and the muted watercolors captured it perfectly. But it was more, to the old was added new; an avenging Walker, the insane dead, the twisted living. sex. yes. death. yes. Constants.

And the search for something meaningful within those constants... beyond them.

Discounting ads, 22pages of story and art for $2.50 American. That's expensive, yes it is, but I have to say with Jon J. Muth at the helm it's worth the expense. Highest Recommendation.    

JERSEY DEVIL #8- I received two books from Tony Digerolamo's South Jersey Rebellion Productions. The first was a sample copy of their flagship title, JERSEY DEVIL. The issue I received was a smaller,ashcan edition of issue #8.

Being relatively new to the JERSEY DEVIL, I never the less found it very easy to follow and get into. The story by Tony D, was straight forward and the art by Don Lagrutta, Jr. okay, but nothing more.

The issue was pretty forgettable, being a takeoff on (insert any bad zombiemovie here), the whole thing was unremarkable. Not bad, just in a competitive feild, not good enough to recommend. Thumbs down.


trav1.gif (21114 bytes)However the 2nd book, Tony D's TRAVELERS is a different story entirely. A sword and sorcery type spoof, it's the adventures of Barbara the Gladiator  and her band of semi-merry men. First let me start by saying I despise sword and sorcery. Well maybe not despise, how about dislike.  For the most part everything I have read in the field has left me cold. The only thing I tend to dislike more than sword and sorcery is spoofs of sword and sorcery.

So imagine my utter surprise when I found this book by page 4 not just interesting but downright entertaining. The art by Brian S. Dawson is incredible. Very lush pen and ink, very smooth, clean lines. His art is reminiscent of Art Adams, very full and rich. And Tony D, not to be outdone lays down a rollicking fast paced farce, that keeps me chucking and enthralled all the way through to the explosive end. And again enough can not be said of the visual sight gags provided by Brian Dawson, his little touches sells the book. Don't know where SJP found this guy but he's a keeper. The expresions are priceless, backgrounds detailed and shadow/texture work lovely.

It's just a beautiful book to look at, which isn't that uncommon in these days of Bad Girl Comics, but unlike most of those this one is actually fun to read,.

This is a jewel of a book, and one sure to make my pick of the year list.  I'm not clear who is responsible for the lettering on this book, but like the art it stands out, head and shoulders above the competition. This is a virtual clinic on what to do right in comics. There's a rumor floating around that this book has been picked up by a larger publisher, I haven't confirmed the news with Tony yet, but if true it will give this book a larger audience. And if issue #3 is any indication of future issues, it's an audience they definitely deserve. Pick up issue #3, It's $2.25, 32 pages, B&W, no ads, and is worth every penny. Highly recommended. And for a cheapskate like me, to make a statement like that, that's saying a lot. What are you waiting for, get a copy now. Available at finer comic and mailorder stores everywhere.


Well that's it for this go around, stop in next issue as we bring you more reviews than you can shake a stick at. And please remember to drop us your comments.




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